What is CBD? CBD or cannabidiol is found in cannabis that has shown many therapeutic benefits. CBD does not produce a “high” and will not alter the mental state of the consumer.
What are the medical benefits?
- Combats anxiety and depression
- Combats tumor and cancer cells
- Combats inflammatory disorders
- Combats free-radical damage
- Reduces nausea and vomiting
- Suppresses seizure activity
What are our patients saying about our CBD Products?
*Re-Live 600mg Level 1 Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract
“Pain has lessened dramatically” [Eva]
*Re-Live 600mg Level 1 Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract & CBD Clinic Pro Sport Level 5 Ointment
“Excellent results, this is an outstanding product.” [James]
*Re-Live 600mg Level 1 Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract
“It’s the real deal. My body feels like it did 10 years ago and my recovery time after workouts is way quicker. It’s made a big difference. I have taken no anti-inflammatory meds since I started taking Re-Live 600 mg.”
“I did a double workout on Wednesday… p90x and mountain biking and didn’t have to take Aleve. Just took the oil and my back was fine.”
“The taste is superior, actually pleasant. That’s a big deal.” [Chris]