Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is a great component of a wellness program, and is often used in conjuction with chiropractic treatment. Some of the benefits of massage therapy include improved circulation, quicker healing, increased flexibility, decreased muscle stiffness, better sleep, and a stronger immune system. Clients can anticipate personalized sessions aimed at enhancing physical and mental well-being. As we strive for comprehensive patient care, this addition reinforces our commitment to providing a range of therapeutic options. Whether you seek relief from chronic pain or simply desire relaxation, our massage therapist is dedicated to tailoring sessions that meet your unique needs. Welcome to a heightened level of holistic care at Frazetta Family Chiropractic! Dr. Frazetta will discuss your health needs with our Massage Therapist, Alyssa and together they will create a treatment plan that gets you back to being your best self.
Schedule your free phone consultation today to see if massage therapy is right for you, 724-274-9440.